Charlie Stigler profile photo

Charlie Stigler

Hi, I'm Charlie! I'm a cofounder of Tenor, the AI for leadership development. Our platform helps managers practice hard conversations with realistic voice AI characters, and get instant feedback to help them improve.

Previously, I worked across product strategy, engineering management, and more at Workday. Before that I founded Zaption, a video learning company acquired by Workday in 2016 to help launch Workday Learning. I'm also the developer behind SelfControl, one of the first distraction-blockers for the Mac (free and open source!).

I'm also an artist and fabricator, creating monumental steel sculptures and immersive/interactive installations. I work mostly out of The Box Shop, and can often be found building with the Flaming Lotus Girls.

I have a wide variety of other interests, from competitive punning to SF public policy to songwriting, and love spending time with my 11 housemates and other good friends.

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